Amaranthus (Chaulai)DescriptionAmaranthus (Chaulai)
Local Name: Chaulai & Marcha
Botanical Name: Amaranthus Hypochondria
Amaranthus is commonly cultivated in the entire hilly parts of Uttrakhand with Millets and Pulses, sometimes along the border of the fields. Amaranthus leaves and grains have traditionally been part of the staple diet of hill folks. The grains are also roasted and mixed with jaggery and eaten as 'Ladoos', which is a rich source of phosphorus and calcium.
Protein: 15.3 gms
Fat; 7.1 gms
Calcium : 49 mg
Carbohydrates: 63 gms
Calories: 391
Iron: 22.4 gms
Vitamin A & B