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Sponsor a Child (SAC)

Education always had persistent issues such as infrastructure, access, continuity, learning gaps, non-availability of schools/teachers and so on. Among these issues, school dropouts is one of the important issues. A survey by National Statistical Office (NSO) has revealed that around 12.6% of students drop out of school in India, 19.8% discontinued education at the secondary level, while 17.5% dropped out at the upper primary level. Financial challenges that arise due to sudden death of bread winner, terminal illness of a parent, job loss, major health care expense in a family are at a risk of dropping out of school.

Sponsor a Child, a program run by Sewa International, provides financial support to a child to complete the school education. The sponsorship program is meant for the school students from class 1 to 12 who are unable to bear the cost of education due to personal/family crisis or any other financial problems and are at a risk of dropping out of school. Sponsor a Child provides financial assistance to the underprivileged students to complete their school education. Students can register and apply for financial assistance. Philanthropists, CSR and kind hearted donors select the children to be supported. Ever since its inception, Sponsor a Child has supported over 10,000 children.


  • Only for Indian nationals.
  • For students studying in Class 1 to 12 in a private or government-aided school.
  • 55% marks (or Grade C1) in the previous qualifying examination.
  • Annual family income must be less than or equal to INR 2.5 lakh (2,50,000 INR).
  • Only two children from a family.


  • Fill the details of the student in the form
  • Submit the following documents after due-diligence call from our team
    1. Passport size photograph
    2. Last year's marksheets (2019-20) 
    3. Identity proof (Aadhaar Card)
    4. Current Year Admission Proof (Fee Receipt/Admission Letter/Institution ID Card/Bonafide Certificate) (2020-21)
    5. Request letter from the school about the fee to be paid and the account details
    6. Crisis document (death certificate)

Refer Children

If you know children with financial challenges that arise due to sudden  death of bread winner, terminal

illness of a parent, job loss, major health care expense in a family are at a risk of dropping out of school,

please refer them.




You can make a big difference to their lives!

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